Indiana Jones Adventure by Reece Smith


Indiana Jones Adventure

By Reece Smith

Indiana Jones Adventure is a ride very similar to Dinosaur in Animal Kingdom at Walt Disney World Resort but Indiana Jones is located in Disneyland. This ride is a thrill ride going through The Temple of the Forbidden Eye where legend has it that Mara a powerful deity resides there and lures people in with the promise of power and riches. The only way to obtain this is to look into his eyes which then turn you into a skeleton and you never get your promised riches. 

To find this possible treasure you must first go through the caves at the entrance of the temple from there you’ll see a lot of possible traps, some holes, and beams supporting the cave from collapse. Thankfully, none of the traps actually work and are deactivated so that you can walk through safely. At one point you’ll come into an open circular space with a mural painted on the top as well as a lot of scaffolding around. There’s an object in the middle with a sign saying not to pull the rope, but if you do, you should hear someone either talk or groan. Then you’ll enter a long hallway where a video is going on talking about safety and the Chamber of Destiny. Also this video promotes the Chamber of Destiny as a tour that people can go through and live as long as they don’t look at the eye of Mara which is located somewhere in the Indian jungle this temple lies. Also this video makes it clear that there are sudden turns, drops,and stops so if you get motion sick you might want to wait for your party or pack a bag. 

The vehicle you’ll ride in is a troop transport but don’t worry you’re not troops being deployed anywhere the transports just happen to hold lots of people. To begin you enter a room with a door that has snakes on either side you’ll hear a voice asking rhetorically if you’re seeking Mara’s treasure then the doors will open as it says “It is yours.” Then you’ll enter a hallway with an upwards slope and a head statue of Mara which grows eyes and gets more disturbing by the second. Next you’ll veer off to the left into a hallway containing lightning and at the end of part of that hallway is Indiana Jones holding a door saying that we have a problem. 

Then you’ll come around a corner and see a Mara statue without its left eye and in its place is fire there is also a bridge then you’ll enter the cavern and see its vast size. Then you’ll go through a skeleton hall which is conveniently littered with skeletons. Next you’ll enter a dark corner and have the lights flash on and off as well as air blown out at you actually I mean poisonous darts that conveniently miss you. Next you’ll come to the bridge and you’ll cross it hopefully alive. Then you see several cobras on the wall as well as the tail of what appears to be a really long snake. As you come to a slow speed in front of the snake Indiana Jones will tell you that you’re on your own since he doesn’t like snakes. You’ll go around a few corners and go down below the bridge you went over earlier. Then you’ll enter a dark room and hear the sounds of bats as you start to get out of there you’ll see bugs on the wall then you’ll enter a room full of armed skeletons that start throwing their spears at you. 

Next you’ll see Indiana Jones on a rope telling you to get out of there as a giant boulder comes down towards you. Then it’ll go dark and you’ll go around a corner and see that the boulder missed you and you’re alive as Jones says “now don’t tell me that wasn’t a bit fun.” Finally you arrive back at the start hopefully all your family made it out alive and you can have amazing stories of your adventure through The Temple of the Forbidden Eye and its Chamber of Destiny.

disneylandDaniel Smith