Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom by Jace Smith

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.jpg

Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom 

By Jace Smith

We all know the Disney villains that we all see get beat in the movies or in cartoons. Disney has made a game at the parks where you can help the wizard Merlin defeat the evil villains that are trying to take over the Magic Kingdom. You will get cards that you will be able to use to fight the villains that are trying to take over the Magic Kingdom.

 The leader of the villains is Hades who tries to get other villains to help him get the crystal of the Magic Kingdom . You will not face all of the villains, but you will see many from animated movies and none of the villains from any of the live movies. 

You can get cards when you visit the fire station everyday and they will know if you already went that day. When you start you will get cards and they will show you how to use the cards and they will give a map of the locations throughout the park. You will know that you have found one of the places because it will be on a window and it will have an outline and you will need a key card to make it work. You will put it on the keyhole and it will read it with the info that you have on the card. If it is the wrong portal then it will tell you where you need to go. It will take some time to be able to do all of the villains so if you have an extra day of time then you can do a little of the Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom. 

There are three stages: easy, medium, and hard. For easy you go around and use your cards and they are all the same. For medium there are different types of cards and the villains will then have weaknesses that you have to try to find. But in hard mode there will be cards that will not do anything to them and the weaknesses will change every time you fight them again. 

If you go when there is a holiday party for Halloween or Christmas, there will be p special cards that you would not be able to get any other days. If you finish a game you can go get some more cards. You can not have more than one game going at once. When you start a game you will get a key card that you will need to keep with you because you will need to use it to play. You can also link your key card to your magicband.

You can get a book where you can keep every card that you get. There are 70 cards in all. Sixty-five of them are available at the Fire Station, but 66-70 you have to buy in a pack that contains random cards so you are not guaranteed to get what you need in just one pack.  When you are going to cast spells you can turn to a page and you can use more than one spell at the same time so that when you are going against the villains on hard it is much easier to cast a lot of spells all at once but you don’t need the book.