Walt Disney's carousel of Progress by Jace Smith
Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress
By Jace Smith
When you go into Tomorrow Land all of the attractions are about the future and it looks like it could be from the future. When you walk into the circle area of Tomorrow Land and you look to your right, you will see a big circular building and there will be a sign on it that says, “The Carousel of Progress”. This is not a ride but it is more of a show that you can watch and ride.
This show was showcased in the 1964 New York Worlds Fair and Walt Disney was asked by the company General Electric to make this show for their pavilion. This show is in WaltDisney World and only in Walt Disney World. It was in Disneyland, but it was moved to Walt Disney World.
This ride or show is about the times that certain inventions happened and has the same people for every room. When you enter the room where you sit you will be in that same room for a while and then you will spin around into other rooms that have different animatronics that will talk about things that were made that changed our future forever like the airplane. This show has the most staged show out of any stage show in America and it was all Walt's idea. The show will not be the same as it was at the World's Fair, but it is around the same idea that the show identified while it was at the World's Fair, progress.
This show will take you through the 20th century and all of the advancements that we made during that time. The first room talks about the era where we build tall buildings around 20 stories and moving pictures on a big screen or a movie theater. They also talk about how they could use a train from New York to go to California in around 7 days. In this time in history two brothers are trying to make a flying contraption or as we know it today the airplane. The man in the room tells you that it will never work and it really shows the life and thoughts of the people that lived in the time that these great inventions were made and what they thought about them.
When you rotate to the next room you might be able to see other people that just watched the thing that you are about to watch. This show does not stop, it just keeps going on and on, you will start at the beginning and go around until you hit the end where you get off. The next room you will see some difference in the style and the equipment. They will also talk about different things like Charles Lindbergh how he flew across the Atlantic ocean with a single wing airplane and they talk about sports stadiums and it is the time when jazz is popular.
This show was made to show how many advancements that we have made in the little amount of years and how we can still advance our society. It also talks about how the times of fashion and how the children thought of things like dating and how we thought about our ideas of certain things. One of the rooms will look like how the modern house is nowadays, like voice activated controls and as well VR which is like what we have today. The song that they sing is very catchy and it is nice to listen to, so enjoy the future and the ride is a great place to relax and be in history.