Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland by Jace Smith

Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean.jpg

Pirates of the Caribbean 

Disneyland by Jace Smith

When you think of Adventureland in Walt Disney World you might think of Jungle Cruise or even Pirates of the Carribean. But the original ride is in Disneyland and it is a lot like the one that is in Walt Disney World. The original ride was you just going in a boat and you just see some pirates. But when the movies came out they decided to change the ride to be like the movies--the movies were based off the ride. 

The rides are not very different but the entrances are because you have a more open queue in Disneyland at the end of the ride. At the end of the ride you will see a parrot that is very annoying and you will also see a pirate flag on a beach with some trees. There is a small difference with the boats because you will only be able to fit around 3 people comfortably. The ride will start very differently then what the ride in Walt Disney World, the ride will start with you going into a swamp area and then when you look to the right then you will be able to see a restaurant that you can eat at and the lighting will be very soft.

 Near the end of the swamp area you will see a cabin and there will be an old guy and he will be sitting there just staring into the distance. When you go farther into the tunnel it will look like an alleyway and when you get far enough you will see a skull that will start talking to you and it will say things and then you will then go and fall down and then the ride will really get started. When you are all the way down the ride will be a lot like the ride that is at Walt Disney World and not a lot of it will be different. When you get past all of the dead body’s with all the gold a treasure you will see a wall of mist and then you will see a face in on it (I don't know who you will see because they do change so it will might not be the same every time) and they will be someone from the movies and I think that it is a villain. 

The whole ride will be the same as the ride that is in Walt Disney World and there is little difference and when you ride both rides you will have a little bit of a different experience because of the little differences that the rides have. Both of the rides are very relaxing. It is very nice to ride if you are hot and this ride is usually pretty long so you would want to ride it and be able to have time for some other things you would want to get a fast pass because there is usually a 45 minutes to an hour wait time to be able to ride this ride.     

disneylandDaniel Smith